Amazonia Investiga 2024-04-05T13:44:21+00:00 Diego Felipe Arbeláez Campillo Open Journal Systems <div class="tlid-input input">The Revista Amazonia Investiga is a virtual multidisciplinary monthly scientific journal that aims to be a means of disseminating the results of research and intellectual production of authors from different parts of the world.</div> Factors influencing students’ academic achievement: evidence from University of Ha’il Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2024-04-05T13:44:19+00:00 Imran Khan <p>The current study's goal is to determine the effect of "student interest," "perceived self-efficacy," and "learning motivation" on undergraduate students' CGPA. The present investigation employed a quantitative methodology, utilizing a cross-sectional survey delivered through an online Google Form that participants self-administered. The current study's target demographic was undergraduate students at a public university. In this survey, 230 undergraduate students took part. The variable combination predicted approximately 39.6% of the overall variance in predicting the CGPA. The predicted regression model in the study was significant (F(3,226 = 50.960, p 0.001), and it discovered that other than "students' interest," only two factors significantly predicted the outcome variable CGPA. However, "student interest" has a positive but negligible effect on the CGPA. It is recommended that teachers use effective classroom strategies to assist students in raising their interest, learning motivation, and self-efficacy to accelerate their academic achievement.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Alternative forms of resolution of labor disputes 2024-04-05T13:44:20+00:00 Hanna M. Ustinova-Boichenko Oleksii M. Skriabin Anna Abdel Fatah Marian O. Yunatskyi Vladyslav I. Yamkovyi <p>The purpose of the article is to identify effective alternative forms of labour dispute resolution based on the analysis of theoretical information and practical experience of their application in the modern world and the possibility of their use in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the work is the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative law, logical and legal, abstract and logical methods, and the method of generalisation. The author identifies the features and advantages of using the main alternative forms of labour dispute resolution: conciliation, direct negotiations, mediation, arbitration, and mediation. The author examines the international experience of using alternative forms of labour dispute resolution (France, Bulgaria, Poland, and the United Kingdom). The reasons for the low prevalence of the use of alternative forms of labour dispute resolution in Ukraine are: lack of legislative regulation or gaps in it; low level of public awareness; lack of qualified specialists (arbitrators, mediators). The author identifies the appropriate measures for the effective implementation of alternative forms of labour&nbsp;dispute resolution in Ukraine, which will reduce the burden on the judicial system, and resolve labour conflicts more quickly, efficiently, and with lower material costs.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The discourse of American and British political interviews 2024-04-05T13:44:20+00:00 Maryana Salamakha Iryna Semeriak Larysa Solohub Olha Vynnyk Iryna Bodnar <p class="Textonormal"><span class="TextoarticuloCar"><span lang="EN-US">The aim is to conduct a comparative analysis of the political discourse of Great Britain and the United States, in particular the study of the speech style of the leaders, the context and the role of the media in the formation of public opinion. Methods. The study employs the method of analysis of lexical units, the linguistic method of field structures, and the method of stylistic analysis of markers. Standard methods of mathematical statistics were used, as well as Cronbach’s alpha to check the reliability of the research methods. Conclusions. The study reveals the importance of the media’s role in political discourse, especially in the dissemination of political interviews and their public perception. A comparison of UK and US political discourse reveals both similarities and differences in the communication of political leaders, and helps analyse each country’s response to common challenges and issues. Prospects. Further research could focus on gendered aspects of political speech, including the analysis of the gender’s role in shaping political discourse and identifying gender stereotypes.</span></span></p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The use of innovative technologies for teaching the humanities 2024-04-05T13:44:20+00:00 Tatyana Valentieva Antonina Pak Olha Lebid Nataliia Volkova Maryna Karpova <p>The study of the flipped classroom methods is important for improving the quality of education and the effectiveness of learning in the context of modern technological changes and growing interest in distance education. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of the flipped classroom model in learning a foreign language for professional purposes. Testing was used to diagnose the effectiveness of assimilation of educational material, which included various types of tasks: multiple response, error correction, matching, fill in the blanks, open-ended tasks, completed responses. The total number of tasks is 25 (5 for each type) and questionnaires to determine the level of satisfaction with educational video materials and online learning. Tests and questionnaires were pre-validated according to the research objectives. The obtained results (χ<sup>2emp</sup> = 8.095 &gt; χ<sup>2</sup> 0.05 = 7.815) gave grounds to conclude that the blended learning model of flipped classroom in the development of foreign language competence is more effective than traditional learning. The experiment showed that this format helps students implement an individual learning trajectory, which contributes to improving academic performance. It was determined that the effectiveness of using this model depends on the quality of video materials and students’ ability to organize their own independent work. The prospects of further research фку the study of the influence of the application of the flipped classroom model on the students’ learning motivation.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Linguistic imagology as a new approach to the analysis of linguistic images: methods and theoretical aspects 2024-04-05T13:44:21+00:00 Antonina Skrypnyk Nataliia Lytvyn Inna Kholod Nataliia Didenko Anton Ivashchuk <p>Linguistic imagology is an approach that is currently being studied in most disciplines of the humanities and social sciences. The relevance of the presented work lies in the interpretation of linguistic imagology as a disciplinary specialisation. The aim is to study linguistic imagology as a subdiscipline of linguistic sciences that deals with the study of the social image of language and its influence on language perception. To reveal the main trends in the development of imagology, emphasising its importance as a promising field in the linguistic sciences. The following results were obtained by analysing the literature. Linguistic imagology is actively developing in Ukraine and requires transversal debates on various scientific approaches. The paper investigates linguistic imagology as a sub-branch of linguistic sciences that studies the influence of the social image of language on its perception. The article examines linguistic imagology as a subdiscipline of linguistic sciences that deals with the study of the social image of language and its influence on language perception. The conclusions of the paper draw attention to the opposition between approaches that focus on social inequalities and symbolic processes. The practical significance of the work is the identification of imagology as a promising field in the linguistic sciences.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##